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Tuesday, January 11, 2011



This public service announcement advert engages you right from the very start, entising you when you realise you are feeling as though you are in the seat of the car, driving this vehicle towards a junction. As the car comes up to the junction it slowly reveals the driver, which we now relate to as we feel what it is like to be in his seat. PSA's need to grab attentions right from the very start in order to create maximal impact on the viewer. Causing it to remain in our heads and at the forefront of our mind for a while after the advert has finished. This advert I believe does this very well, for example its very quiet and eary almost as if your expecting something, yet everything is clear he is checking both ways and all looks safe. Suddenly as he moves forward an instant horrific crash happens where a motorbike has catapulted into the side of the car. The instantaneousness of this crash really shocks the viewer creating full focus on what has just happened; almost as sense on understanding of how that would feel if that had been us.

When the man moves out of the car and round to the injured biker, his face represents how anyone in that situation would feel, shocked, upset, grieving and in disbelief. Feelings that no one would want to live with. The camera angles throughout are extreme close ups giving greater impact as the whole situation feels closer and more real. The one time the camera uses a long shot is very cleverly done, the reason for this is that it is at the point where the voice-over says 'or here' showing us the safe distance to see the bike. This long shot emphasises the distance, emphasising the meaning to the viewer.

''look, look, then look again'' are some of the last words said by the voice-over, this repetition really makes it stick in our minds, along with still feeling the shock factor from watching and almost experiencing this crash this really will make the viewer think. The voice-over is a man's voice kept at a very dull neutral voice, this creates it to almost imprint in your mind, over and over. The use of lighting in this PSA is very clever also, as its very realistic lighting while also being grey and dull, therefore representing the mood of the advert; makes it very serious and shocking. Overall I think this advert is incredibly straight to the point, dominating the audience with barely any room for interpretation, therefore achieving what a PSA should. The impact of the advert when I viewed it, even though iv viewed this many times still sticks with me after, leaving me feeling in a slight state of shock and sadness.

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